Assets of Bangladesh

In Bangladesh there are six sea:
-- The Summer
-- The Rainy season
-- The Autumn
-- The Late Autumn
-- The Winter
-- The Spring

Bengali month Boishakh and jaistha make the summer season. Summer is the first season of Bangladesh.
During this time The Sun shines intensely and extreme heat makes everything lifeless.Tanks, Ponds, streams
dry up. Mangoes, Jackfruits, other fruits of Bangladesh ripen in the season.

Bengali month of Ashar and Sraban make the rainy season.Farmers plough their fields and sow seeds in this time.

Bengali month of Vadra and Ashwin make this Autum season.Flowers bloom in this season.

Kartick and Agrahayon make the Late Autum season. Its the season of dew.

bengali month Poush and Magh make this Winter season. The nights are longer than day during this time. Vegetable grow in plenty.

Falgun and Chaitra make this Spring season. the weather neighter very cold nor very hot in this season.A gentle breeze blows.Its the season of happiness and joys.

Bangladesh is a land of rivers. There is no other country in the world what has so many short, rivers are a great source of her health, wealth and joy.
Two classes of rivers are there in Bangladesh. The Padma, The Meghna and The Brahmaputra are big rivers, and The Buriganga , The Karnafuli are small rivers. 
rivers are usually calm in winter. But they become very fearful during the rainy season.
The rivers play an important role in the economic of bangladesh.
As Bangladesh is an aricultural country , peddy and Jute are its main crops which require a good deal of water for their growth. 
Fish is another asset of Bangladesh. rivers supply sufficient fish. fish is an item of food. The fisherman catch fish sell them in market. rivers are play an important role in the field of communication. Steamers, launches, and boats ply through them all the year round.
But many times rivers are not blessings. When there is a heavy rainfall in the country, rivers overflow their banks which couse floods and damage crops.

Fruits of Bangladesh

there are many kinds of fruits in Bangladesh.
Mangoes: The mangoes are the best fruits of Bangladesh.It may be called the king of fruits. 

Jack fruit : its the largest fruit in Bangladesh. It has prickly rind. Its called the national fruit of

Pine-apple: It become yellow when it is ripen. it grows abundantly in the rainy season . 

Banana: It found through out the year in Bangladesh. 
Coconut: Its a common fruit in Bangladesh. 

There are some other common fruits in Bangladesh. like papaya, Lichis, blackberry, guava, melan,
tamarind, and kamranga .


Flowers grow abudantly in the spring season in Bangladesh.
There are various kinds of flowers in Bangladesh. 
the Rose , The Lotus, The sunflower, The Hasnahena, The marigold, The Bakul, the Kamini.